
Benefits of walking after eating for health

It's no stranger, a short walk after a meal can help improve digestion. This is because the body's organs are still actively working to diges…

Sexsomnia, Sleep Disorders Perform Sexual Behavior

Sexsomnia is a type of parasomnia characterized by abnormal behavior or sensations while sleeping. Because it occurs outside of awareness, this sleep…

2 people died from consuming raw oysters and how to safely eat them

Two people have reportedly died after eating raw oysters caught in the waters off Louisiana, United States. Rodney Jackson of Dallas, a 55-year-old A…

The Prophet's Love for People with Leprosy: Know the Causes and Symptoms

Leprosy or leprosy is identified with a dangerous, disgusting, highly contagious and deadly disease. Therefore, this disease must be avoided. In hist…

Psychological Reasons People Like Crime Stories

Lately the mass media and social media are busy broadcasting a criminal case. Not only in the mass media about actual events, even crime and investig…

Fructose is More Beneficial to the Body, Myth or Fact?

When present in its natural form, fructose is a type of sweetener that has a positive effect. However, fructose is also a component of high-fructose …

Benefits of Gooseberry Fruit that are a pity to miss

There are various benefits of gooseberry fruit for health, ranging from supporting digestive tract function to controlling blood sugar levels. A seri…

How to Rejuvenate Skin to Look Younger

Wrinkles will appear naturally as the aging process. However, there are various ways to rejuvenate your skin that you can do to make your skin look y…

Benefits of Kailan Vegetables that are rarely Known

Kailan or " Chinese broccoli " is a leafy vegetable with thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick stems, and florets similar to br…

Interesting Facts about Durian, The King of Fruits from Southeast Asia

Durian is a tropical fruit that is loved by many people. In addition to its delicious taste, this fruit originating from Southeast Asia also contain…

The benefits of dark chocolate, one of which is maintaining health to skin care

Some people make chocolate as a snack. Though consuming too much is not too good for health. However, it is different with dark chocolate. This type …

It is important to have a friend to talk to to prevent depression

“Having someone to talk to can improve your wellbeing and mental health. Because, those who do not have friends to talk to are prone to depression, b…

Fatigue Can Cause Premature Ejaculation, Here's the Explanation

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual problem that occurs in men. This is a lack of control over ejaculation, so it often happens sooner th…

Boiled Cassava Calories and Other Nutritional Content

It turns out that boiled cassava calories are quite high and not suitable for dieting. Are you a fan of processed cassava? Ever know how many calorie…
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