
To be Mentally Strong in Facing Criticism from Others

“Receiving criticism from other people is not easy, especially if the criticism is conveyed improperly. However, there are ways to deal with criticis…

The Best Herbal Medicines That Are Effective To Overcome All Disease Complaints

Herbal medicine is very useful for curing all kinds of disease risks such as cough, gout, to cholesterol. If you don't believe me, you can try it…

Benefits of Rice Washing Water for Skin, Fighting Free Radicals

The benefits of rice washing water are very diverse for humans. Not grains of rice that provide many benefits for the body, rice washing water turns …

The COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory that is an issue in the universe

Conspiracy theories have even penetrated health issues, including the Corona Virus COVID-19 . The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated COVI…

Cloves, Herbs and Spices with Various Benefits

"Cloves contain compounds that can provide health benefits. There have been many studies that reveal the efficacy of this Indonesian spice.” Clo…

The content of lemon fruit is good for skin health

“Lemon fruit with a yellow color on the skin has a lot of benefits for health, including skin health. This sour-tasting fruit contains fiber, carbohy…

The Dangers of Dyslipidemia and How to Handle It

Dyslipidemia is a condition in which the level of fat in the blood increases. This is at risk of causing heart disease and stroke. Dyslipidemia does …

Symptoms of Testicular Cancer, From Swelling to Pain in the Second Testicle

Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the testicles or testicles. Testicular cancer is usually characterized by a lump accompanied by …

Light Pollution Disrupts Seasonal Rhythms of Plants and Trees, What Are the Hazards for Health?

City lights on throughout the night, identified as light pollution, are reported to greatly disrupt the phenology of urban plants. New research by Yu…

7 Tactics to Overcome Children with Difficulty Eating Fruits and Vegetables

It is difficult for children to eat vegetables and fruit, which is a big dilemma for parents because children need a lot of fiber to accelerate their…

"Do you know long time ago they (European People) dont even know what Toilet is..."

Toilet in Russell Square, London A Netizen from Indonesia who married a British citizen told a story about his experience in London. This conversatio…
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