Psychological Reasons People Like Crime Stories

Psychological reasons people love crime stories! Causing high interest in the community, so that it became a hot conversation, related to chronology.
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Psychological Reasons People Like Crime Stories

Lately the mass media and social media are busy broadcasting a criminal case. Not only in the mass media about actual events, even crime and investigative film series are one of the most popular.

This raises high interest in the community, so it becomes a hot conversation, related to chronology, and background that may occur.

Because, when they see headlines about crime news or a synopsis of a crime film, it is not uncommon for someone to immediately visit the news page or buy cinema tickets or subscribe to serial films to watch the film.

However, why is public interest in criminal cases so high? In fact, criminal cases are generally terrible to listen to. Is there a psychological reason for this phenomenon? Come on, see why here!

Psychological Reasons Regarding This Phenomenon

Richard Lettieri, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist and forensic psychoanalyst who has taught at Chapman University, United States, says that for men, watching crime and murder events seems to evoke feelings of manliness.

However, the factor that can drive the interest of men and women regarding this phenomenon, is the instinct to recognize the dangers in their environment or around them. This can be interpreted as an effort and instinct to prepare a defense to escape, if at any time someone has the potential to become a victim of crime.

In addition, some researchers have also concluded that an interest in crime and murder can provide an escape. Especially the escape from everyday life which is considered boring for most of the people.

However, all of the research findings on motivation from watching media featuring crime and murder seem to have something in common. Because, everything has to do with the desire to understand the nature or other human instincts.

This phenomenon is considered a safe way to face the dark side of the condition of human nature. More subtly, it also offers a psychologically safe way to observe other human characters acting out the dark elements of human nature.

Other Reasons That Can Also Trigger This Phenomenon

There are several other reasons that can also trigger an interest in a criminal case in someone, namely:

Providing an Unsuccessful Crime Experience

According to research by David Buss, in his book entitled The Murderer Next Door, as many as 91 percent of men and 84 percent of women have had a fantasy of killing someone. Because, the act of killing a normal person is certainly not possible. As a result, the crime story becomes a safe escape from the fantasy.

Enjoy Curiosity

Unsolved crime news or stories often make someone enjoy curiosity. As a result, someone often seems to be a detective trying to find out who the main culprit is, or how the chronology of the criminal case happened. Moreover, if, the criminal case or story being broadcast is suspected to have the involvement of a law enforcement officer.

That explains the psychological reason people like crime stories. In general, the factor that can drive the interest of men and women regarding this phenomenon, is the instinct to recognize the dangers in their environment or around them.

This can be interpreted as an effort and instinct to prepare for self-defense and escape. However, there are several other reasons that can also increase interest in a particular crime case or story. One is to provide an experience of crime that one cannot possibly commit.

Watching crime news or stories, especially unsolved ones, is interesting and triggers curiosity about what really happened.

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