The Importance of Teaching Boys to Respect Women

Very important to educate boys who are civilized and noble, because it is the men who will lead the generation. They are leaders for women's.
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"Indeed, looking at (women) is one of the poisoned arrows of the various types of devil's arrows. Whoever withholds his gaze from the beauty of women out of fear of Me, Allah will leave the beauty of faith in his heart.” (History of Thabrani Hadith).  5. Remind our sons that gentle men are those who marry women in the way of Allah, are responsible physically and mentally to make them happy for the sake of Allah. Not a man who spreads charm and spreads wealth in many women.

Very important to educate boys who are civilized and noble, because it is the men who will lead the generation. They are leaders for women's.

All etiquette must start at home, because there are fathers and mothers as models for the association of men and women who are immediately seen by the children. Where the fathers were commanded by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to be noble to the mothers of their children.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said;

"The most perfect believer in faith is the one with the best morals and the best of you are those who are best to their wives" (Hadith History. Tirmidhi)

What should parents instill in their sons in order to honor women?

According to Ustadz Iwan Januar, this religious teacher and writer on his personal website explains, there are several things that parents must do in educating their son, namely:

1. Fathers must honor their biological mothers and wives so that their sons can get a strong impression that is how men treat women as well as possible. Exactly the message of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,

O Messenger of Allah, who do I have the most right to treat well? The Prophet replied: Your mother. Then who else? The Prophet replied: Your mother. Then who else? The Prophet replied: Your mother. Then who else? The Prophet replied: your father, then the closest after him and after him." (Narrated by Al Bukhari). 

2. Instill that women are their mothers, wives, sisters and later their daughters. As the message of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to a young man who wants to commit adultery, he reminded the position of women like that. That way, in a boy comes respect for girls. 

3. Remind our boys of the weight of the test that comes from women. Tell me how the test of Prophet Yusuf alaihissalam or the test that befell the Children of Israel, who came from women. 

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

"I have not left a greater test for men than women," (Narrated by Al-Bukhari). 

The test here is not only in the matter of jinsiyyah (sexual relations), but also the broad persuasion of women that makes men abandon obedience to Allah such as corruption, disobedience to their biological mother because of the incitement of their wives, even to apostasy. 

That way the boys will be careful with the association of the opposite sex.

4. Instruct the boys to always ghddul bashar / guard the eyes from the female genitalia, because the view is a poisoned arrow that the devil stabbed into the heart of the son of Adam so that many men slipped and damaged the honor of women just because of looks.

Sight is the poisoned arrow of the devil's arrows. So whoever withholds his gaze from the beauty of a woman for the sake of Allah, surely Allah will leave a sweet taste in his heart until the day he meets Him." (Hadith History of Al-Hakim)

Instill a sense of shame in our sons when looking at the face - especially the nakedness - of a woman who is not a mahram. Say that someone who can restrain his lust from the opposite sex will someday get the happiness of life as a fruit of the delicious faith.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

"Indeed, looking at (women) is one of the poisoned arrows of the various types of devil's arrows. Whoever withholds his gaze from the beauty of women out of fear of Me, Allah will leave the beauty of faith in his heart.” (History of Thabrani Hadith).

5. Remind our sons that gentle men are those who marry women in the way of Allah, are responsible physically and mentally to make them happy for the sake of Allah. Not a man who spreads charm and spreads wealth in many women.

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