How to Make Money from Shutterstock for Beginners

This is one of the most popular ways to make money from Shutterstock by people from all over the world.
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How to Make Money from Shutterstock for Beginners

Ever been with Shutterstock name? Maybe some of you are already familiar with the world's largest photo, vector, illustration, video and music provider site. Shutterstock has become a favorite place for many people around the world, because of its global nature.

Shutterstock site itself already supports more than 20 languages and 19 currencies in the world. Its customers are already very large, because it operates in more than 150 countries in the world.

In addition to having many customers, there are also many partners from Shutterstock, both in the form of companies and individuals. From Shutterstock also allows you to earn money, it can even be more than $1000.00 USD per month.

There are at least 2 ways to make money from Shutterstock, where everyone can do it. This includes those of you who are practically beginners in the world of photos, videos, vectors, illustrations and music. Instead of getting curious, let's see the full review below!

How to Make Money from Shutterstock

It's not that hard to make money from Shutterstock these days. Especially for those of you whose hobbies are not far from photography, drawing or designing.

From this hobby you can make a lot of money, even in a fairly short time. As for how to get money from Shutterstock, among others:

Become a Profitable Contributor on Shutterstock

This is one of the most popular ways to make money from Shutterstock by people from all over the world.

Becoming a contributor at Shutterstock opens up opportunities for you to get a monthly salary. Unlike working in an office, the results you can get from being a Shutterstock contributor can be greater. It also depends on how good you are at creating interesting content and strategies to promote it.

Become a Profitable Contributor on Shutterstock

To become a Shutterstock contributor, you need to register first. It's not difficult to Register Shutterstock Contributors, you just have to go directly to the official website.

Back to the contributors on Shutterstock, there are at least 4 types of content that you can create and sell on Shutterstock. The four types of content include photos, footage clips, vectors and illustrations. For a more detailed explanation see below:

Shutterstock Photo Contributor

This is one of the easiest ways to make money from Shutterstock. Especially for those of you who like photography, being a photo contributor on Shutterstock allows you to generate heavy dollar coffers. You just collect as many photos as possible, then upload them to Shutterstock contributors.

Uploaded photos can be of any theme, be it natural landscapes, animals, plants, micro objects and so on. It's just that the uploaded photo must not contain brand or brand elements. Taking photos does not have to use a DSLR or mirrorless camera, you can also use a cellphone camera as long as it meets the applicable Shutterstock photo requirements.

In addition, the photo must not contain people. If you want to include people in the photos you take, when uploading you must include the data of the model or the person. Or if you want it easier, you can choose the editorial option when uploading photos. There are several other requirements for photos that can be accepted by Shutterstock, including:
  • Photos must be taken by yourself.
  • The minimum photo size is HD, even better the quality is full HD.
  • Minimum photo capacity is 1MB, bigger is also easier to approve.
  • Can choose Portrait or Landscape photos.
  • The photo must focus on the object and there should be no noise (especially for object photos).
  • If there are several similar photos, then only 1 photo will be approved by Shutterstock.

Shutterstock vector contributor

In addition to photos or images, those of you who are proficient in designing can also upload your work on Shutterstock. Here you can become a vector contributor on Shutterstock, where the requirements are also not so difficult.

There are many types of vector designs that can be uploaded on Shutterstock, ranging from logos, banners, unique writing, photo or image backgrounds, greeting cards, to icon sets.

To create vectors, you can use free or paid software, such as CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator. However, the most widely used by Shutterstock vector players is Ai or Adobe Illustrator. Its easier use is the reason many people like this design software from Adobe.

Especially for those of you who want to make vector designs easier on Android phones, you can use special applications. One application that you can use is Infinite Design. This application allows you to create designs very easily, from character designs, caricatures, logos, illustrations and so on.

You can export the design results in Infinite Design later and make a vector form using Adobe Illustrator. In this case, there are also several vector Shutterstock requirements that must be met in order to be approved, including:
  • Must be in vector format.
  • The design does not break and the size is also large.
  • Not the result of plagiarizing other people's designs or unique content.
  • The minimum size is more than 1MB.

Shutterstock illustrator contributor

If you like making illustrations, then you can try becoming an illustrator contributor on Shutterstock. Actually this is almost the same as the vector contributor above. It's just that the design concept is more focused on an in-depth illustration of the image.

The uploaded illustrations can be nature-themed, character illustrations, and so on. The most important thing here is that the illustration you make must be unique and interesting. Not from plagiarism or plagiarism from other people's designs.

Contributor of Shutterstock footage clips

Previously, it was about photos and images, this time it is devoted to those of you who like to make videos. Yes, footage clips can also be said with unique video content which is also self-made. Making videos can use the camera or also by using certain video maker software.

To be sure, videos that can be uploaded must be your own and not the same as someone else's. The uniqueness of the video is the main point so that it can later be accepted by Shutterstock. In addition to content, the audio from the video must also be original (don't add other people's music). Although somewhat more complicated, the results from one video download are greater than photos and vectors.

Shutterstock music contributor

And the last is being a contributor to music content on Shutterstock. Just like before, the music uploaded must be unique and the result of your own work. For people who don't really like music, it might be a bit difficult to create their own musical instruments.

Unlike people who do have a musical soul, it will be very easy to do that. So, if you really have expertise in music, there's nothing wrong with trying to sell your music on the Shutterstock platform.

Join the Affiliate Program from Shutterstock

In the aim of maintaining good relations with customers, Shutterstock tries to provide other opportunities that allow customers to earn additional results. One of them is presenting an affiliate program which is certainly quite tempting for those who are proficient in marketing. 

Join the Affiliate Program from Shutterstock

This affiliate program from Shutterstock is also no less interesting than being a contributor at Shutterstock. You could even say that following the Shutterstock affiliate program is easier than having to create content on Shutterstock contributors. Sign up for the Shutterstock Affiliate Program.

There are several conditions if you join the Shutterstock affiliate program, including:
  • If you manage to sell photos/images, footage, vectors or music to new customers, then you will get 20% of the total sales.
  • Payments will be received within 30 days of the first click.
  • Monthly payments will be received automatically via PayPal or e-transfer.
  • You can interact directly with the In-house affiliate manager in order to optimize and increase affiliate performance and commissions.

For those of you who have a personal site, you can also use it for this Shutterstock affiliate program. Several tools and promotional support materials have been prepared by Shutterstock, ranging from the Shutterstock API, Shutterstock affiliate widgets, and also various sizes of banners or banners that you can install on your personal site.

To attract more potential buyers, you can also take advantage of exclusive coupon codes for potential customers. That way you can more easily attract their hearts.

Those were some ways to make money from Shutterstock that can also be done only through the grip of an Android cellphone. If you really have a hobby of photography or graphic design, take advantage of those hobbies to earn money from Shutterstock. Don't forget to keep visiting the site so that you know more.

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