How to send a good and correct application via email to get a call

Before the internet and online networks, job seekers had to find the location of the desired company and go directly to that place. The recruitment pr
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How to send a good and correct application via email to get a call

In today's digital era, almost all activities can be done via the internet. The development of the internet of course makes it easier for job seekers or companies looking for employees to make it easier and more practical. One of them is the online job recruitment process.

Before the internet and online networks, job seekers had to find the location of the desired company and go directly to that place. The recruitment process also takes a long time because it is hindered by distance and time. It's no wonder that in the past, many people still wandered around the city and left their hometowns just to find work.

But now, all of that is very rare. All can be accessed via the internet. Not only job seekers, but also easier access for companies to access for them to find employees. Usually companies that are in need of employees will include the company email as a contact address.

Reasons for Human Resource Department Ignoring Your Application

Currently, applicants can send job application files to the email address listed without having to go all the way to the company location to submit application files. But unfortunately, there are still many job applicants who have not paid attention to ethics and how to send an application via email properly.

The reason the Human Resource Department refuses or ignores the application file in the email is usually you don't pay attention to the requirements of the company. Wrong writing in the CV can also affect it. Create your CV according to what position is needed. Do not write down information that does not match the position applied for.

If you don't pay attention to how to send an application via email properly, then don't be surprised if your application file will be ignored or rejected by the HRD of the company you are after. So that the job application you send will be in vain.

How to send an application via email

Sending job applications via email does require the right way. Because if you don't pay attention to things when sending application files via email, it could be that your files will be in vain.

Reported from various sources, here's how to send an application via email so that your job application file is not in vain. The steps you need to pay attention to are as follows.

1. Convert the job application file into a PDF file

The first step on how to send a job application via email is that you need to convert all the required files into a pdf file so that it can be sent via company email. If your CV is still in word form, you need to convert it to PDF.

The files needed in addition to a CV are usually a job application letter, education diploma, certificate, identity card, self-portrait, and other supporting letters according to company needs. You have to scan all these files in the form of PDF files. Try all files no more than 2 MB.

2. Pay attention to the subject and body of the email

The thing that is often overlooked by job applicants is the title or subject of the email. Not giving the email title properly will make it difficult for HRD to find your email. You can write the title or subject of the email clearly and briefly.

(Position applied for) – (Full Name)

How to send a job application via email must include your files by attaching them. But that does not mean in the body of the email you can leave it blank. In the body of the email you can write your identity along with your contact number and how you got information about the job vacancy (cover letter). Use formal language but not too long.

Pay close attention to the requirements

3. Attach the requirements for the position the company needs

Now you can attach a job application file that suits the company's needs. For files, the company will usually ask for it in PDF form. As for the photos, try to be in the form of jpg or png.

Also attach a supporting certificate that corresponds to the position applied for so that it will be considered by the Human Resource Department and make them interested in calling you to the next process. There are some companies that ask that all files go in one folder and some don't.

If you are asked to put it in a folder, you can combine it with a zip, rar or other format. If there is no such requirement, you can attach it like a normal attach one by one.

4. Double-check all requirements before sending

The most important thing in how to send a job application via email is that you must use an active email address. After completing all the documents, body email and email subject name correctly, double-check before sending it. Pay attention to the shape of your file, writing errors and other things.

Don't make it up and try not to make typos so as not to reduce your points. In addition, you only need to apply for one position in one company. Another thing, try to start cleaning your social media accounts. Some Human Resource Department will usually check your daily life through social media posts.

That's how to send a job application via email that you need to know. Even though it's only through online media, you have to be careful and don't be in a hurry to send your application. If you want to resend a job application email, make sure to use polite language and etiquette.

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