North Korean Hackers Hack Crypto Worth 93 Million USD

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Illustration Nort Korean Hacker | Pic by
Illustration Nort Korean Hacker | Pic by

North Korean hackers are strongly suspected of being behind the cyberattack that stole USD 100 million (Rp 1.4 trillion) of cryptocurrency from a US company. This is according to investigative reports from three security companies.

Citing Reuters, Thursday (30/9/2022), the crypto assets were stolen from Horizon Bridge, a service operated by blockchain network Harmony, on June 23. This service allows crypto assets to be transferred to other blockchains.

After the investigation process, the activity showed that this theft was related to hackers from North Korea. Experts describe him as a cyber hacker.

UN sanctions monitors say North Korea may use the stolen funds to support its nuclear and missile programs.

There is also a style of attack carried out by hackers allegedly from North Korea, with high speed with structured payments to various parties, in order to obscure the origin of the funds.

Chainanalysis revealed, this attack is similar to that carried out by other North Korean cybercrime actors.

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