Ambivert personality is a condition between introvert and extrovert. One of the characteristics of an ambivert is having the ability to hear and a good communicator.
Every human being is born with a different personality. Those who are comfortable being alone are known to have introverted personalities. Meanwhile, someone who has an extroverted personality is described as someone who is easy and likes to get along with other people. In addition to these two personality types, there are also other types of personality known as ambiverts.
Ambivert personality is known as a condition between introvert and extrovert. A person with this personality can lead to an introvert or extrovert who is adapted to the environmental situation. This is because in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, no person is completely extroverted or introverted.
Come on, see more reviews about the following ambivert personality traits!
Ambivert Personality Traits
The personality we have can determine how a person interacts with the social environment around him. Knowing what type of personality you have can help you identify situations in which you feel comfortable. That way, it will be easier for you to interact socially.
The concept of introvert and extrovert was first coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl G. Jung. He believes there are some people who can get energy from the outside world (extroverts) and people who get energy from the internal world (introverts).
Meanwhile, the ambivert personality makes a person incompatible with both personalities, introvert or extrovert. However, you can feel quite comfortable conditions between the two personalities.
If your introverts and extroverts score somewhat evenly, chances are you have an ambivert personality. This personality is somewhere between introvert and extrovert. He can be an introvert or an extrovert according to the situation at hand.
There are several traits that characterize this personality, such as:
Can Be a Good Listener and Communicator
An extrovert has excellent communication skills, while an introvert has much better listening and observing skills. If you have an ambivert personality, you will understand better when you have to listen and talk to other people.
A person with this personality can open a chat with someone, but then he will be more silent and listen to the chat.
Can Set Behavior To Be Done
The ability to adapt to the environment and situation that is being lived is one of the natural abilities of an ambivert. If the extrovert personality can make small talk with strangers, while the introvert can't, the ambivert personality can try to open a conversation or stay silent, depending on the situation at hand.
Feel Comfortable in Social, But Value Your Time Alone
A person with an ambivert personality may feel comfortable in a crowd, but he will also enjoy quiet time at home alone.
Have a Natural Empathy
Ambivert personality pickers will have a natural sense of empathy in them. He will more easily understand the various situations that are being experienced by others.
If a friend is having problems, perhaps an extrovert will immediately offer to help, then an introvert will be a good listener. Meanwhile, ambiverts will listen and suggest things that need help.
Those are some of the traits that are signs of an ambivert personality. This personality is a type of personality that is quite flexible when compared to introverts or extroverts.