This Mohawk Hairstyle Can Be Your Inspiration

Well, so that it doesn't look too flashy, you can make these 4 mohawk hairstyles as choices so that you look more handsome to the maximum!
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This Mohawk Hairstyle Can Be Your Inspiration

Who likes to associate this one man's hairstyle with punks? Yes, it's not wrong, it's true. Indeed, if pulled back, this hairstyle is a form of rebellion from the Indian tribal community in North America.

Over the last few years, the mohawk hairstyle has continued to be loved by men. The hairstyle is also always undergoing transformation, along with the development of the fashion world.

The mohawk hairstyle is characterized by the hair on the side being shaved to thin. The middle part of the hair is deliberately left quite thick and styled with spikes. The mohawk hairstyle is suitable for all face shapes, so it's safe for a mainstay hairstyle to make it even cooler.

Well, so that it doesn't look too flashy, you can make these 5 mohawk hairstyles as choices so that you look more handsome to the maximum!

1. Short Side Mohawk

Short Side Mohawk

By making this a hairstyle, you will get a neat and shining impression. This hairstyle has the side of the hair that is shaved until it is thin, while the top is left long.

You can style this hairstyle with pomade, wax, or hair gel. Want to look more dapper? You can comb your hair to the side!

2. Taper Fade Mohawk

Taper Fade Mohawk

You have short hair and want to adopt a mohawk hairstyle? You can make this one style of choice! This hairstyle has a cut that extends to the top and the sides and back are shaved shorter. Try to shave the side of the hair according to the shape of the face, yes!

3. French Crop Mohawk

French Crop Mohawk

For those of you who are sporty, this hairstyle is suitable for you to apply. The scalp will look good, besides you will get a neat and fashionable impression. This hairstyle will make you look fresh and trendy when you hang out!

4. Classic Short Mohawk

Classic Short Mohawk

This can also be an alternative for you to apply, you know. You're going to look tight all the time. In order to always look neat, you must have a shaver ready so that if there is a little length, you can tidy it up anytime you know.

Have you decided what model you want to apply? Mohawk hair is not only impressive like a punk kid, right? But you can also look neat, as long as it is arranged properly. You can style it easily with the help of pomade or wax which you can easily get in the marketplace, which is always available!

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