How to choose a mattress that sleeps soundly

The impact of choosing the right mattress will make you when you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. For that, you have to be selective in choosi
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How to choose a mattress that sleeps soundly

Who here often has trouble sleeping? Either it is difficult to sleep or sleep is not sound enough. When you experience this, your activities will certainly be disrupted. Because the condition of the body is not fit due to poor sleep quality.

Not sleeping well may be influenced by various factors such as poor sleeping habits, uncomfortable room temperature, too much caffeine, disturbing stressful conditions, to choosing the wrong mattress.

Choosing the right mattress is important because a good mattress with excellent body support can significantly enhance the restorative properties of a good night's sleep.

The impact of choosing the right mattress will make you when you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. For that, you have to be selective in choosing the right mattress for sleeping. Want to know how? Read on in full below!

Keep Room Clean

Before choosing a mattress, first make sure the room is clean so that the quality of our sleep is good and comfortable in the long term, always clean the room before and after sleeping. Dirty room conditions will cause itching and irritation of the skin.

In addition, avoid activities at night before going to bed, such as playing smartphones, eating at night and staying up late. Don't forget to make a good sleep schedule so that you get enough sleep and maintain a healthy body.

Adjust the type of mattress material to your needs

Tips for choosing the next mattress is to choose the mattress material used. There are many types of bedding for mattresses, including latex, foam, and spring beds. You don't know what the complete difference is? Check it out below!

A. Foam

Foam is a mattress material consisting of a layer of dense foam. When used long term, it will usually change shape to adjust the sleeping position.

Mattresses made of foam are relatively affordable in terms of price. The minus is, when exposed to flooding, the foam will absorb water so that it fills the foam cavity and the mattress becomes watery.

If it is flooded, the foam mattress must be dried in the sun to dry, if the mattress is damp it will usually become a place for mites and bed bugs to grow, Oshopper must pay attention to the cleanliness of the mattress!

B. Latex

This is a type of mattress material made from natural materials such as rubber tree sap which is processed into safe mattress blocks. The difference with Foam material, latex mattress material is stronger, thicker and able to overcome problems on the back.

C. Spring Bed

The third is a type of bed made from a series of spiral-shaped spring steel. This mattress material is covered with thick foam on the top and the bottom is filled with spiral springs like a spring. Mattresses with a high level of comfort are in the Spring Bed type.

Choose Mattress According to Body Size

Well, when you are married and have a partner, the choice of a large mattress is the right one. This is done in order to be able to adjust to the right sleeping position. Spring Bed mattress with King Size measuring 180 x 200cm is the right size.

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