Why is Caviar Expensive? This is the specialty of Caviar that you need to know

Caviar is known as an expensive and luxurious food. There's a reason why these sturgeon roe preparations are offered at fantastic prices!
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Why is Caviar Expensive? This is the specialty of Caviar that you need to know

Caviar is known as an expensive and luxurious food. There's a reason why these sturgeon roe preparations are offered at fantastic prices!

Caviar is often found in European dishes. Caviar is a popular side dish with a high price.

But it turns out that in the past, caviar was once the food of the poor. Russian anglers even eat caviar daily with cooked potatoes.

So why is caviar now famous as an expensive food? What makes it special? The following is an explanation as quoted from various sources:

What is Caviar?

Literally, caviar means "unfertilized and salted eggs". Caviar is basically fish eggs that come from certain fish species.

unfertilized and salted eggs

Caviar usually has black, green, greenish like olives, gray to orange. The color of this caviar depends on what kind of fish the eggs were taken from.

Caviar is generally obtained from sturgeon fish, but this fish has 26 different varieties. Even female sturgeons are specially bred to produce caviar.

Reasons for Expensive Caviar Prices

There are various types of caviar with varying price ranges. The price is determined by the type and quality of the caviar itself.

Reasons for Expensive Caviar Prices

The price of caviar for a 30 gram size usually ranges from $94.00 USD to $221.00 USD. Beluga caviar is the most expensive type of caviar and even allows it to be sold at a higher price.

The high price of caviar was caused by the time span of the female fish to lay eggs which is very long. Female fish need time to lay eggs for 10-15 years.

Even in the past, caviar was taken by killing female fish that were carrying eggs. But after the development of technology, harvesting caviar has been done in a more environmentally friendly way.

How to Eat Caviar

Caviar should be kept cold. Caviar should not be stored or stored at room temperature. It is said that caviar has a sweet and savory taste. To eat it, try to make the caviar 'cracked' in the mouth to get an extraordinary delicious sensation.

In Japan, caviar is usually enjoyed as a complement to sushi or other fresh foods. In addition, caviar can also be enjoyed with toast or a pile of biscuits.

Caviar is also suitable when combined with boiled eggs. Add fresh cream, chopped onions and spices for garnish and flavor.

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