Get to know 5 Internal Medicine Subspecialists

Internal medicine specialists are able to treat diseases that attack certain organs in the body. These health professionals are trained to...
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Get to know 5 Internal Medicine Subspecialists

Internal medicine doctors focus on treating adults. This field has had specialized studies and training focused on the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. An internist or internist is trained to diagnose and treat cancer, infections, and diseases that affect the heart, blood, kidneys, joints, digestive, respiratory, and vascular systems.

The doctor is also trained in essentials. Starting from primary care internal medicine that combines an understanding of disease prevention, health, substance abuse, mental health, and effective treatment for common eye, ear, skin, nervous system and reproductive organ problems.

Internists are sometimes referred to as “doctors' doctors” because they are often called upon to act as consultants to other doctors, in order to help solve confusing diagnostic problems.

Internal Medicine Sub Specialist

The internist may choose to focus his practice on general internal medicine or take additional training to focus on additional areas of internal medicine or subspecialty. Here are the sub-specialties of internal medicine that you can know:

Medical Oncology

One of the sub-specialties of internal medicine that you should know is medical oncology. Medical oncologists can diagnose and treat people with many types of cancer. The responsibilities of an oncologist may include ordering various tests to confirm the diagnosis and stage of the disease.

The oncologist also determines a treatment plan, which may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Monitoring someone during the illness, treating side effects, and providing knowledge for the person being treated are also part of the job.


Another sub-specialist in internal medicine is geriatrics. Doctors who specialize in geriatrics focus on the health and well-being of older people. While everyone is different, an older person may have different concerns and needs than a younger person.

These specialists can diagnose and treat a variety of conditions that can affect the elderly. Geriatric doctors can treat people with conditions such as dementia, sensory disturbances, and stroke.


Rheumatologists focus on treating conditions that affect the bones and joints. There are more than 100 different diseases that can affect joints and muscles, and many share the same symptoms. A doctor who specializes in rheumatology must first identify the cause of the symptoms and make a diagnosis.

A rheumatologist can treat a person with conditions, such as osteoporosis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. A person with lupus, back pain and fibromyalgia may also see a rheumatologist.


Cardiologists or cardiologists can diagnose and treat people with various types of heart, circulatory or vascular diseases. Cardiologists can treat diseases such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and congenital heart defects. A person may perform a variety of diagnostic tests, such as an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, and cardiac catheterization.


A gastroenterologist is tasked with treating a person with diseases and conditions that affect the digestive tract. Those responsibilities may include diagnosing and treating someone with conditions such as ulcers, colitis, and reflux disease. Even if you don't have surgery, a gastroenterologist can perform procedures, such as an endoscopy, to examine the intestines.

Those are some types of sub-specialties to internal medicine. If you have further questions, contact your doctor.

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